3 common men’s sleep problems (and 3 simple solutions)

3 common men’s sleep problems (and 3 simple solutions)

men's sleep problems

Getting regular sleep is important for your health.

Last time, we went over common women’s sleep problems. Guys, this week it’s your turn. And guess what?

You’re not getting enough sleep, either.

It’s common knowledge that sleep is pretty important. It aids in health, controlling weight, maintaining brain function, and a whole host of other things. Like we said, pretty important; and with mattresses like what you find in the ComforPedic Advanced line, we’re pretty big fans of it.

So why aren’t guys getting enough sleep? What’s causing sleep problems in men? Here are a few of the most common reasons.

Before we dive right in, however, here’s our quick disclaimer again:

We are not doctors. Sleep and sleep-related problems may be related to serious medical conditions. Major changes to your lifestyle should always be run by a trusted medical professional first.

Common sleep problem #1: Work

While this is a gender-wide problem, work schedules are the most commonly reported reason for lack of sleep in men. It’s not surprising. Men often cite a feeling of being expected to work long hours, and even away from work, they report a tendency to obsess with it to the point of keeping themselves awake at all hours.

The solution is surprisingly simple. Stop it.

Sorry, don’t stop work, but do put realistic limits on yourself for a proper work/life balance. It’s likely that those long hours are not actually helping you get ahead as much as a good night’s sleep would (that brain function thing helps). Then, when you leave the office, leave your work there and focus on something else.

Hey, we said simple. Not easy.

Common sleep problem #2: Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition where the back of the throat basically collapses, restricting airflow during sleep. Interruption in your ability to breath makes it difficult to sleep, but may not even be something you’re aware of: it may simply interrupt your REM sleep, the time when the most beneficial effects of sleeping occur.

Treating it is something you’ll want to consult with a physician about. Some common solutions include losing weight, medication, or even an oxygen mask to help push air into your lungs.

Not sure if you have sleep apnea? If you snore, find yourself tired during the day, and wake up throughout the night, these may be signs you’re suffering. Consult a doctor who may recommend you to a sleep specialist to find out.

Common sleep problem #3: Narcolepsy

While often used for crass (and, okay, funny) jokes by comedians, narcolepsy is a very real condition that can affect men. It usually starts in their teens or early 20’s but can start later. It’s characterized by sudden spurts of dizziness and the feeling of being about to fall asleep at any point.

It can be treated with medication, so if you suspect you have this: talk with your doctor! It’s a serious problem.

common sleep problems

Don’t be that guy.

Dealing with sleep problems in men

Beyond work and medical related issues, there are a few things you can do to ensure a proper nights sleep.

1. Limit your caffeine consumption

We know: that third pot of coffee looks pretty tempting. But, you probably don’t need it. Caffeine and other stimulants can make it tough to get to sleep later in the evening. Limiting how much you consume will help you get a better nights sleep later.

2. Create proper sleep habits

Go to bed when you’re sleepy (and not before), wake up at the same time every day to set your internal clock, and create rituals that help your body know it’s time for sleep. Doing these things will help make sure that you continually get good, and healthy, sleep.

3. Don’t give up

It’s tough to keep to a good sleeping schedule, and you’re probably going to slip up. Whether it’s just an off night, sickness, or even an all-nighter to get that special project done, there are just nights where you’re not going to get the right amount of sleep. It’s okay. Let those things happen, but don’t throw in the towel on sleeping properly: go back to your habits, and keep trying.

Just remember: sleep is important.